
Ransomware – What can you do about it?

RansomwareRansomware has been on the rise over the last six months.

I have noticed a huge increase in the number of inquiries from people who have been infected with viruses that have encrypted the data on their Hard Drives.

This article gives you some options for decrypting your data without paying the ransom.

These viruses, collectively know as “Ransomware”, encrypt your files (Documents, Photos and other files) and then attempt to extort you by requesting payment to unlock those files.

Up until recent times, my advice has been that there is little choice other than to wipe the Hard Drive and reinstall Windows and software, and if available, restore a backup of your files.

Recently however, a couple of other options have come to my attention.

Ransomware Decryption Tools

The first comes from AVG. They have released six Decryption Tools that (if you’re lucky) may help with decrypting your data.

The six methods of encrytion that these tools target are:

  • Apocalypse,
  • BadBlock,
  • Crypt888,
  • Legion,
  • SZFLocker, and
  • TeslaCrypt.

You can access these decryption tools here.

The second option is in the form of other decryption tools from a website setup by Europol.

These tools attempt to decrypt the following:


The National High Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) of the Netherlands’ police, the Netherlands’ National Prosecutors Office and Kaspersky Lab, have been working together to fight the CoinVault and Bitcryptor ransomware campaigns.


The RannohDecryptor tool is intended to be used to decrypt files encrypted by:

  • Rannoh,
  • AutoIt,
  • Fury,
  • Crybola,
  • Cryakl, and
  • CryptXXX versions 1 and 2 (files encrypted by Trojan-Ransom.Win32.CryptXXX version 3 are detected, but not decrypted).


The RakhniDecryptor tool is intended to be used to decrypt files encrypted by:

  • Rakhni,
  • Agent.iih,
  • Aura,
  • Autoit,
  • Pletor,
  • Rotor,
  • Lamer,
  • Lortok,
  • Cryptokluchen,
  • Democry, and
  • Bitman (TeslaCrypt) version 3 and 4.


ShadeDecryptor can decrypt files with the following extensions: .xtbl, .ytbl, .breaking_bad, .heisenberg.

You can access these decryption tools here.

Prevention is better than cure

Of course it goes without saying that prevention is better than cure.

The reason you will get one of these viruses normally stems from opening an attachment in a Phishing email.

A Phishing email is one that is constructed to look like it comes from a reputable source.

Examples are:

  • The Bank;
  • An Energy supplier. ie. AGL, Origin etc;
  • Australia Post;
  • A Courier. ie DHL, Toll etc.

Also, the prevailing advice is never pay the ransom.

By paying cybercriminals, you only confirm that ransomware works, but more importantly, there is no guarantee that you will receive the encryption key you need to unlock your data.

Spotty Dog Computer Services can remove Ransomware from your Computer.


Ransomware – The do’s and don’ts to protect you and your business

ransomwareRansomware (viral infections that encrypt data on your hard drive), are becoming more prevalent. Cryptowall and Cryptolocker are two that are increasingly infecting computers world wide, with an estimated 545,000 infections from between Sep 2013 to May 2014. Ransomwares’ purpose is to attempt to extort money from the victim with the promise that your data will be restored after payment.

The Senior Manager of Symantec’s Cyber Readiness & Response, Bob Shaker recently stated, “We’ve seen a sharp rise in requests from customers with respect to Ransomware.”

Mr Shaker tells the story of trying to help a customer who, after being infected with a ransomware virus, could only sit and watch while his company’s data was wiped out, file by file. “I never want to have to go through that again,” he says.

Since then, Symantec has gone to great efforts to ensure that businesses understand the risks and have a clear picture of what to do, and what not to do, to protect themselves from becoming a victim of Ransomware.

Here are some Ransomware Do’s and Don’ts

1. NEVER pay the Ransom!

Your first response will undoubtedly be panic, and your first instinct will be to pay the Ransom.
Don’t do it. This will just encourage the attackers, and help fund further development of these types of attacks.
And even if you do pay, there is no guarantee that you will get your data back.

Instead, Do:

Remove the infected system from the network if you are on one, and clean the system of all viruses.
Then restore data from a known good backup. Restoring data from a backup is the quickest way to get back up and running.

2. Do install a quality security solution

A multi-faceted security solution (like Norton Internet Security for example) should be installed. Norton has protections for not just file-based threats (traditional Viruses), but it also includes download protection, browser protection, heuristic detection technologies, a firewall and a community sourced file reputation scoring system.

3. Do educate employees

One of the main ways you can be infected is through “Spear Phishing”. This is whereby an unsolicited email arrives from an unknown sender that incorporates an attachment that, when opened, executes a program (the virus).
If you have employees, you must take the time to educate them about these threats, and how to recognise suspicious links and attachments, and what they should do in such circumstances.

4. Do use content scanning and filtering on your mail servers

All Incoming emails should be scanned for known threats and should block any attachment types that could potentially pose a threat.

5. Do make sure that all computers and software are kept up-to-date with security patches and updates

Compromised websites are frequently used to spread viruses. Regular patching of vulnerable software like Internet Browsers, Java, and Adobe Flash is necessary to help prevent infection.

6. Do limit end user access to mapped network drives

Ransomware is capable of looking for and encrypting data on any mapped drives that a user has access to. Restricting permissions for shared folders and files of a mapped network drive will limit what the Ransomware virus will be able to encrypt.

7. Do make sure that you have a comprehensive backup solution in place.

The fastest way to get back up and running after this sort of attack is to have a backup of your data.

These Dos and Don’ts will not prevent an attack, but they can certainly reduce your risk level.